Good health and wellbeing for your horse
+44 (0) 7724194516
Derbyshire, England, UK.
Qualified Iridologists
Alex Lowin Chobham, Surrey
Tel. 0789 0151 62
April Upson Littlehampton, West Sussex
Tel 07833 494 391
Email: april@equinewithin.co.uk
Web. www.equinewithin.co.uk
Becky Dean Marlborough, Wiltshire.
Tel. 07866 857147
Email: info@becky-dean.com
Web. www.becky-dean.com
Also practitioner:- Shiatsu – Massage – Scenar
Belinda Murphy 59 Broomfield Road, Faversham, Kent. ME13 7EZ
Tel. 0870 7706910
Bridget Beresford-Wright South Bank, Halley RoadBroad Oak, Heathfield, East Sussex, TN21 8TG
Tel. 01435 868045, Mobile 07817 914524
Email: bridgetberesford@btinternet.com
Catherine Edwards www.equineiridology.co.uk www.naturallyanimals.co.uk
Mob. 07796 170455 Tel. 01483 898792
Elizabeth Houghton. 17 Chapel Lane, Wicken, Ely, Cambs. CB7 5XL Tel. 01353 723157. Mobile. 07977 952 407
Web: http://www.houghtonhealth.co.uk/equine.htm
Kate Meaby The Bungalow, Rear of recreation Ground, Cambridge Road, Girton, Cambridgeshire Tel.01223 276111
Mobile 0777 943 5027 Email: kate.meaby@yahoo.co.uk
Ingrid Wright 3 Little Pix Hall Farm Cottages, Hawkhurst, Kent, TN18 4XS
Tel 01580 752918, 07803 271206 Email: ingrid.w@virgin.net
Jade Monahan. Dedham, Essex 07464 948381 email:- jademonahan81@gmail.com
Liz Bell Chedworth, Gloucestershire, GL54 4AWTel. 01285 721 056 Mob. 07977 501 941 Email: lizzie@adrianbell.com
Lotty Merry Tel. 07966 473238, lottymerry@btnternet.com www.rosefarmequine.co.uk
Marion Joyce 101 Chelmer Road Chelmsford CM2 6AA Tel. 01245 495603 Email: marjoy.joyce79@gmail.com
Mary Henley-Smith Paddock Cottage, Huntingrove Stud, West Sussex, RH13 0RB Tel. 07929666408 Email: forgranted@btinte
Roger Meacock MRCVs. 07866687296 Email: roger@naturalhealingsolutions.co.uk www.naturalhealingsolutions.co.uk
Wendy Hardy 41 New Road, Shoreham by Sea, West Sussex, BN43 6RB Tel. 01273 887950, Mob. 07791507397 Email: wendy.hardy2@ntlworld.com
Wendy Hutchinson. 26 Kings Acre, Coggeshall, Essex. CO6 1NY 01273 887950 / 07791507397
email: wendy@100naturalequine.co.uk www.100naturalequine.co.uk
Zoe Reast. Hertfordshire, Tel. 07908774333 www.equinewellness.co.uk Email: zoe_reast@outlook.com
Micheala Chapman. (Kyla) Derbyshire. 07974 090301 email: 4horses.esmt@gmail.com www.esmt4horses.com
Frances Turner The Elms, Thrussington Road, Hoby, Melton Mowbray. Leics. LE14 3EBTel. 07801 497736 Email: princess_sparkle.83@hotmail.co.uk
Susan Platts. Lawf Farm, Main Street, SCROPTON, Derbyshire . DE65 5PQ collinsonherbs18@protonmail.com www.collinsonherbs.com
01283 520637 / 07724194516
Beverly Upton. www.beverlyuptonesmt.wixsite.com 07814419144. email: beverly.uptonesmt@gmail.com
Debbie Wise. Northamptonshire. WiseOwl Equine. debbie.wise@talktalk.net 07932 873391
Jean Whitebread , Leicestershire. 07712 299956 email:- jean@equinereconnect.co.uk www.equinereconnect.co.uk
Debbie Wise. Northamptonshire. Wise Owl Equine. 07932 873391 debbie.wise@talktalk.net
Alison Thornley Strawberry Farm, Whitby Road, Backford, Chester, CH1 6PHTel. 07504209041 Mobile 077 40606 246Email: info@cheshireequineiridology.co.ukwww.cheshireequineiridology.co.uk
Darren Unwin 6 Regency House, Rutland Terrace, Buxton Road. Bakewell, Derbyshire. DE45 1BZTel. 0781 650 9938Email: darren_unwin@yahoo.co.uk
Lyn Summers April Cottage. The green, Aisby. NG32 3NFTel. 01529 455 552L
Mark Smith 70 Brook Street, Wall heath, Kingswinford, West Midlands. DY6 0JG Tel. 01384 293067 Mobile 07974 210 898 Email: Marksmith30@sky.com
Sue Buckley Hillview, Goodleigh Hill Pensham, Pershore. Worcestershire WR10 3HE Tel.(Work no.) 01386 553008 Mob 07788 591111Email: suebuckley@bowentherapy.plus.com
Lynn Henry Woodlands Farm, Occupation Lane, Bramhope. Leeds. LS16 9HSTel. 01132 843492
Julie Leggatt. 38, Ashhalnds Road, Northallerton. Yorks. DL6 1JA / 07746 189875 Email: julieleggatt@hotmail.co.uk
Website: www.equine-iridology.org
Rebecca Walker BSc (Hons) Dip A Phys. Barmby on the Marsh, East Riding of Yorkshire Tel. 07736 880459
Email. Cowboyandliesel@btinternet.com https://www.facebook.com/yorkshireanimalphysiotherapy
Kate Brownlie. Kelso, Scotland Tel.07790544491 Email: k.brownlie83@btinternet.com
Katriona (Katie) Glover Whitecross Linlithgow West Lothian Tel.01506 203151 Mobile 07909987095 Email: katie.glover@outlook.com?
Tamaryn Lindsay. email:- tamaryn.lindsay@gmail.com 07438034106
Linda Whitecross. Hooves in harmony. Moray. Scotland. 07826 162672 email: hoovesinharmony@hotmail.com
Helen Wingstedt132 Bryncyn, Pentwyn, Cardiff, CF23 7BN
Tel 0776 088 7297Email: helen@stressbug.co.uk
Christine Holveck 67130 Wisches tel. +33 682132087 email: visu.pub@orange.fr
Eloise Aubry (France) (Therapie Manuelle) Tel. + 33 6 75 80 49 98, Email: eloise.aubry@orange.fr
Monica Goold 66220 Trillatel. +33 613165012Email: monica.goold@gmail.comWeb: www.monica-goold.com
Els Van den Bossche, Terre d'Esprits France, departement 53 - Mayenne :Tel: 0033 6 45 38 06 67
Website: www.terredesprits.com E-mail: terredesprits@hotmail.com
Carole PucciniFrance, 83136 Rocbaron +33-(0)601914371 carolepuccini@hotmail.com
Laura Bellissand. 73500 Villarodin Bourget, France. 0672076265 www.horsesens.com laura@horsesens.com
Caroline Mailly. Allier (03) +33630226006 www.caromailly.com email: contact@caromailly.com
PIN Aurélie, France, Indre et Loire 06 61 22 45 12 www.animessence-naturopathieanimale.com animessence.naturopathie@gmail.com
GERMANY - Janna Strehlau. Schleswig, Holstein, +49 15 25 144 1530 email:janna@pferde-irisdiagnose.de
website: https://pferde-irisdiagnose.de/
Jennifer von Müller, Bavaria, +49 1797792342 (WhatsApp) jenn1911@web.de www.herz-futter.de
Jennie van der Byl Western Cape, South Africa
Tel: +27 83 660 6470 or +27 21 572 5661
Email: jennie@honeyvale.co.za
Annette Timmer Netherlands, Email: timmerannette@gmail.com www.paardeniriscopie.nl +31 (06) 55 70 2303
Joey Philips- The Netherlands
Tel: +31-(0)651338783 Website: www.joeyphilips.com email:- info@equineiridologycourse.com
Eveline de Jongh +31 (0) 6 524 11 151. email: info@realeve.nl web: www.realeve.nl
Margreta Beisenherz, The Netherlands email: m.beisenherz@hotmail.com tel: +31- (0)630152298
Marta Sobczak Reduty Ordona 13/1, 71-202 Szczecin. Poland
Tel. 0048 601 152 112 Email: malibus@malib.us
Constanca Neves Av. Eng-Duarte Pacheco Torre 2, Piso 3, Sala B 1070-103 Lisboa Portugal Tel. + 351 969 350024 Email: constanca_brito@hotmail.com
Sue Martin Victoria, Australia,
Tel + 59 674 476 Mobile 0427 674 004
Email: natural.equine@bigpond.com
Equine Acupuncture Therapy. Nicole Hackett. 0488 763 501. equineacupuncturetherapies.com email:- eat@skymesh.au
Jordyn Rados, Perth, Western Australia 0402 297 388
Micha Gomes 2 Millbrook, Clandeboyne, Bangor, Co. Down. BT19 1UU Tel. 02891 852221 Email: michagomes@hotmail.com
Ann Nicolay 31 Annaghroe Road, Caledon, Co. Tyrone. BT68 4UJTel. 028 37 568 183
Lisa Wesson www.wessonnaturaltherapies.ca +1 (226) 9211778 email:- wessonnaturaltherapies@quadro.net
Solveig Pletscher, Switserland: Suisse romande, +41-764631448, solveig.pletscher@gmail.com